Monday, May 11, 2015

1. What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?
2. What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose?
3. What do you like best about Genius Hour research?
4. What do you like least about Genius Hour research?
5. What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work?

My genius hour was learning how to create a manga and overall it was an amazing and challenging experience. My favorite part about choosing my topic was learning how characters are created from blood types and eastern and western zodiac. I did create some characters from the blood types such as blood type O where the character is positive, confident, and unpredictable. There wasn't really much that I wasn't fond of but I'd probably have to say that I didn't really enjoy learning all the blood types. I mean I did like them but not all them were that interesting. The one thing I enjoyed very much about my genius hour was creating the characters. It was a challenge but it was pretty fun creating them overall a few characters went through many changes because I thought they may have been a bit too generic. The one thing I didn't enjoy very much about genius hour was paneling and planning out the story. It was fun at first but soon became time consuming it took a ton of effort. Paneling was a pain because it shows whats going on and brings out the highlight in your manga. So it was a challenge choosing the size of the panel and choosing it where I want it to be. One thing I did learn about myself was that I am a bit of a procrastinator. There were times where I was motivated and other I wasn't so much. I did tons of research but creating the manga is what kind of made me procrastinate because of all the effort it took. In all creating a manga was a fun and challenging experience it was nice to know what kind of effort and skills it took to make one.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Hi guys I know its been awhile since I've posted anything but I just wanted to let you guys know im in the process of creating my manga. Some of it has been created I'm currently creating more of it, but its very difficult to create. I have my characters created and developed and a story line as well all I can say that it is a shounen manga menaing it'll have action. Another thing I've learned that's a challenge is paneling and creating a angle.

What do I mean by that? I'm saying that when your creating and drawing your manga it matters how you panel it because it gives your manga life. Not only life it gives it a feeling, tone, value, contrast, and perspective. If you don't panel it properly your reader might not understand what your trying to show and highlight. As your paneling your manga make sure what sizes you want your panel to be. Why is this important? Different sizes of panel get different kinds of attention for example if you created a panel bigger than the one on the right then that'll get readers attention more than the other.

What paneling also presents is expression. When drawing the panel make sure you put interest in it. What I mean is that you should make that panel more interesting if its not interesting to you enough. Also another thing that should be taking into consideration is when you create a size for a panel you should think about what specifically is going to be in that panel. That will help you a bit if you didn't know anything about paneling a manga. It helped me very much because I had no clue how you should panel a manga.